Places to visit

Places to visit in Iceland?
Iceland is quickly becoming one of the most popular countries to visit in the world, and it’s no secret as to why. Apart from being one of the most accepting countries of other people, Iceland is also known for its awesome views and scenic adventures.
The small country actually boasts a wealth of fantastic mountain tops and volcanoes, incredible glaciers with underground palaces, as well breathtaking beaches and towns.
So if you’ve been on the fence about visiting Iceland, or are ready, packed and you’re reading this blog on your way there, then here’s a list of the top 5 places to visit while you’re in Iceland!
1. Þingvellir - Oldest Parliament in the universe
An ancient city that dates back nearly 1,100 years, clear back to the viking era, this Iceland national park is rich with history and ancient landmarks. The first parliament was formed here, and was carried on for many years before it dispersed.
One aspect that makes this place so unique is the exotic land formation and terrain, which consists of scattered rock formations and mild canyons that cover the beautiful lush landscape.
One popular canyon to visit is the Almannagjá Canyon - a canyon resembling more of a deep trench stretching miles and miles for you to explore.
2. Vatnajökull National Park - Iceland’s Largest National Park
Before visiting this part of Iceland, you may think about bring a second pair of socks - this park will blow the ones you have OFF. Vatnajökull covers miles and miles of beautiful glaciers and volcanic mountains, making the picturesque views look something of that from a magical story book, or popular movie!
There are a few ways you can experience this place in its fullness:
Traveling under the glaciers
You may have been abducted by aliens and flown to another galaxy for probing, but we promise you - exploring miles underneath an icey glacier is an event truly out of this world!
You will find yourself surrounded with natural stained glass ceilings of colorful ice, creating a majestic sense of awe and W O W!
Hiking volcanoes
Grab your camera and set journey to the tops of past erupted volcanoes, where fiery lava once spewed into the icey lakes below. You will be amazed by the breathtaking views of waterfalls and lush landscapes that wrap around you, and we recommend that for this journey, you don’t forget the most important tool of all - your selfie stick!
Riding the ice
hop on a snowmobile and ride across the frozen glacier lagoons that have built up over time, creating a cool place for birds to catch their fish and icebergs to float a long on their merry way!
3. Sail to the Westman Islands
These cluster of islands were formed from underwater volcanoes, some as early as the 1960’s, and offer distinctive vegetation and greenery, making it a haven for smaller animals of all types, especially birds. The cozy little town of Vestmannaeyjabær sits on the coast, and offers many opportunities for becoming acquainted with the islands history and background. You can easily board a sailboat for a fee at the Herjólfur Ferry Terminal, and get a first hand view of the island coastlines and beaches.
4. Travel the Reykjanesfólkvangur Preserve
This is a very popular tourist destination, and when you come to visit the preserve, you’ll understand why!
You’ll find many human-made trails easy for hiking (for those who enjoy a comfortable walk vs a challenging hike) where you can enjoy breathing in the crisp Iceland air and soaking in the eye-grabbing views.
You can also rent a bicycle and ride your way through the green grasslands along the coastlines and winding through the rolling hills. With all the activities you’ll find in this preserve, you can also visit the natural hot springs that bellow puffs of steam clouds, creating an intriguing phenomenon comparable to none other!
5. Visit the city life in Reykjavik
Photo: Michelle Raponi - Reykjavík - Pixabay - No changes were made
Yes, Iceland is a wonderful place to experience mother nature in a way you never have, but it’s equally rewarding to see for yourself all the wonderful aspects that bring our people together and make us pretty cool to hang out with, and there’s no better place to do that then in Iceland's capital; Reykjavik!
Where to even start when it comes to all you can do is difficult, but here are a few of the many things you’ll enjoy in the city:
Have a coffee at Cafe Babalu
Cafe Babalu is a kitsch little cafe shop at Skólavörðustígur, with a mishmash arrangement of furniture and little knick-knacks decorating the space, where your eyes can wonder around while you enjoy your coffee.
Guided walking tour
Take the free guided two hour walking tour around Reykjavik, it covers the main downtown attractions, like Harpa concert hall, some history of Iceland as well as the hidden treasures of the city and some fun facts about Iceland and it's inhabitants.
First-class planetarium: Perlan
Perlan is a glass dome museum that host an interactive exihibition of the natural wonders of Iceland. You can experiece a real ice tunnel, see a replica of the iconic cliff of Látrabjarg, learn meanwhile playing about icelandic nature and animals.
It is a place for every age and accessible with strollers or wheelchairs.